Summer River Recipes

If you are headed to the river this summer, its good to know what native plants can help with hydration and keep away the poison oak and mosquitos. Check out pages 6 and 7 of the Briarpatch Coop’s VINE NEWSLETTER – Summer 2018 which features fun wild foods to enjoy at the river, including the recipe for making thirst-quenching manzanita cider.

Manzanita Cider & Manzanita Salad Dressing


When dealing with mosquitoes, look around for mugwort, which often grows in stands near the water. Rub it on your skin and the mosquitoes won’t like the way you smell.


If you have a tendency to get poison oak, gather abundant manzanita leaves the day before. Fill a quart jar with leaves, cover with hot water and let steep overnight. Strain into a spray bottle that you can use as soon as you get exposed to poison oak or if you start to see red bumps form on your skin. Although my recipe includes other native plants, manzanita leaf is the key ingredient, astringent enough to dry up the poison oak oils.

Enjoy the outdoors this summer!

Poison Oak Away: manzanita leaves, bay leaves, acorn shells, oak bark, ceanothus blossoms