Spring Native Plant Sales

Currant Bush with Groundcover of Wild Strawberries

Currant Bush with Groundcover of Wild Strawberries

Spring plant sales offer an opportunity to add natives to your backyard that are attractive in the landscape, drought-resistant and useful for gourmet food and effective home medicine.

I’ve been busy looking through my garden for empty spots where I can add more native gems and making my list of what beautiful plants I hope to find at a spring sale.

I enjoy growing something new each year and I’m determined to cultivate enough of each of my favorite edible plants to enjoy an abundance of local, native food.

Some edible favorites that I’m looking to add more of this year include Currants (Ribes nevadense), Gooseberries (Ribes roezlii), Bracken Fern (Pteridium aquilinum), Chokecherry (Prunus virginiana), Blackcap Raspberry (Rubus leucodermis) and Serviceberry (Amelanchier alnifolia). And I’m always open to the unexpected beauty that may catch my eye.

For a list of plant sales this spring, visit http://www.cnps.org/cnps/horticulture/calendar/index.php?c=&Submit=Search&t=Plant+Sale