
Grinding Manzanita


Alicia Funk is the founder of the Living Wild Project and co-author of the 3rd edition of Living Wild—Gardening, Cooking and Healing with Native Plants of California. Her passion is discovering how to eat, garden, and heal through the sustainable use of local, native plants.

Funk first studied plant-based medicine in 1990 from an indigenous grandmother in Ecuador’s rainforest and is the co-editor of six books on herbal medicine, including The Botanical Safety Handbook, Herbal Medicine-The Expanded Commission E Monographs and The ABC Clinical Guide to Herbs. She worked for 20 years as a consultant to the natural products industry for organizations including Whole Foods and the American Botanical Council and now focuses her time on discovering new recipes that highlight the nutrition and taste of wild California plants.

She lives off-the-grid with her husband and their three children.

San Francisco Magazine Article:

Wild Food on Capitol Public Radio: